Internet of Things

Top Tech Stacks of 2023
Discover the top tech stacks of 2023 with our comprehensive guide. Learn about cloud-native architecture, full-stack JavaScript, cross-platform mobile development, Python-based data science, and Infrastructure as Code.
The Next Era of Remote Work: Beyond Virtual Meetings
The question is no longer “how would working remotely work?” It’s “how do we work better while remote?”
5 Steps of Design Thinking Part 1: A Crash Course in Empathy
Picture an elegant, streamlined, massively powerful technological solution that nobody wants. There's no need to imagine it. They are everywhere, all around.
Designing Apps for Behavior Change
Creating meaningful behavior change requires creating a user experience that provides sufficient motivation, ability, and triggers.
technology, iot, digital transformation, innovation
The 5G Economy and Its Impact for Your Business
Technology has always had a significant impact on society, from the global economy to the success and operations of businesses, as well as the at-home lives of individuals. Yet, compared to today, there’s never been a time when devices and...
digital transformation, internet of things, iot, innovation, strategy, technology
The 6 Best Technologies for Global Manufacturing
The digital revolution is in full swing. New technologies, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and augmented reality, are boosting the capabilities of the manufacturers that embrace them. These new opportunities come at a time when manufacturers are facing significant...
Guide to Analyzing and Optimizing your Blog
Most people enjoy the creative process of creating a blog, especially when it’s designed to help you generate more awareness for your products or services. However, while creative elements can impact user engagement levels, if you’re not learning from how...
internet of things, IoT, digital transformation, innovation, AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning, healthcare
IoT in 2019: Massive Connectivity on the Edge of the Future
“By 2020, there will be…” How many times have you read that intro? For countless industry analysts, the year 2020 has been held up as a critical turning point in reports and surveys about the adoption of Internet of Things...