5 Steps to Creating a Strategic Product Roadmap
A strategic product roadmap is a high-level document that explains the vision behind your product and provides product direction.
Embracing ChatUX: How Companies Can Prepare for the Future of User Experience
Discover the growing importance of ChatUX in the digital age and learn how enterprises can adapt to this innovative user experience design trend to stay competitive, enhance messaging platforms, and create seamless interactions for their users.
business model, digital transformation, strategy, technology
Why a great business model is essential for digital transformation
A great business model enables companies to pivot and adapt to changing market conditions and technological advancements.
5 Steps of Design Thinking Part 4: Prototyping
The fourth stage in the Design Thinking process, Prototype, represents a reversal from everything you have done to get.
5 Steps of Design Thinking Part 3: Ideate
As you enter the Ideate stage of the design thinking process, your team will have a chance to unleash their creativity and pivot from scientists to artists.
problem statement, design thinking, defining problem
5 Steps of Design Thinking Part 2: Define
From that mind space, your team begins to truly comprehend and define the problem that customers feel compelled to solve. The objective is to craft a problem statement that is absolutely clear, actionably specific, and structured to address pain points that customers must deal with in the real world.
Designing Effective Prompts: A Guide to Prompt Engineering
Explore the essentials of prompt engineering in this comprehensive guide, where we share key principles, best practices, and tips to optimize AI language models and elevate the quality of generated responses.
From Idea to Launch — Four Product Development Secret Weapons
Scientists are looking at the connection between gut and mental health - studying the effect of healthy microbiome on conditions like depression, anxiety and Parkinsons.
Industry Expert Series: Theresa Turner
In conversation with Theresa Turner, creative strategist at Trackmind, about how supplement brands can stand out from their competition.
Mindful Digital Design Defined
Mindful design is design-thinking at its core, carried out from your value proposition into each little detail of the experience.
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