Trackmind’s Design Sprints-as-a-Service

Trackmind’s Design Sprints-as-a-Service

Enterprises in the digital age thrive on efficiency and a forward-looking perspective. Consumer affinities seem to shift with the slightest of breezes, meaning companies need to rely on the transformative power of linked data throughout an organization to maintain agility. However, meeting end-user expectations is another critical component of this notion, particularly in product design where attention to detail can have a cascading impact that lends itself to brand & product loyalty, competitive advantage, and an optimized user experience.

Trackmind specializes in providing such forward-looking advantages with our 5 Day Design Sprints-as-a-Service, a highly collaborative, roll-up-our-sleeves process over five days that takes an integrative, embedded approach to answer critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing of ideas with partners.

From granular details to a broad, strategic-minded vision, 5 Day Design Sprints are extremely efficient, productive processes that solve problems and test concepts to maximize impact and enduring success. Given their wide-reaching benefits in meeting the expectations of a fickle and dynamic marketplace, we wanted to provide a closer look at Design Sprints-as-a-Service to illustrate the prescient insights and distinct advantages these short-term engagements offer our partners.

Design Sprints – A Thorough, Enlightening Process

Whether the engagement concerns an existing product or a new one, Trackmind’s Design Sprints-as-a-Service takes a deep dive into the intricacies of a project that’s equal parts exploratory and strategic. Prior to starting a sprint for an existing product or service, our hands-on approach begins with a discovery phase that examines KPIs, the marketplace itself, input from key stakeholders, and most importantly, the end user or customer. In each phase, we keep the user at the center of the product, keeping in mind that the end goal of the sprint is to create a product prototype during the sprint that the user will benefit from. Once the sprint is complete, we review the product prototype with those users, gauge its usefulness and effectiveness, and prepare a comprehensive report detailing the actionable insights our team revealed throughout the process–which in many cases, leads to taking the upgraded product or service prototype into the production phase.

Design Sprints for a new product takes a similar approach but incorporates a distinct focus on identifying and mapping goals through an extensive brainstorming approach. From there, the engagement concentrates on sketching out a solution set to reach those goals, ultimately deciding on a specific path through collaboration and a thorough ideation process. The engagement concludes with exhaustive design and prototype development along with the product team, resulting in a prototype then tested with end users. As you can see, a Design Sprint is about maximizing productivity, new angles on existing thoughts, and sound strategies to optimize results for any enterprise, from startups to well-established companies and everyone in between.

A Fresh Perspective

Longer projects have a way of blurring vision and focus as days melt into one another, even for the most seasoned and capable of in-house product teams. Losing sight of the proverbial forest through the trees can have a significant, lasting negative impact on a project and subsequent product as a once keen sense of direction gets muddled and myopic with time.

With Trackmind as a partner, running 5 Day Design Sprints offers an immediate infusion of a fresh perspective to an in-house product team, one built upon a spectrum of previous engagements across different enterprises and industries. For a product manager, Trackmind’s Design Sprint-as-a-Service is the best of all worlds, an experienced and talented team of experts with a new point-of-view but without the costs associated with expanding in-house staff.

Maximizing Resources for Startups

Many startups require a lean-and-mean approach to product design as they battle for market share with limited budgets and resources. Such constraints typically eliminate the possibility of bringing in highly experienced senior designers as they would simply stretch a startup’s finances too far. In these instances, a five-day Design Sprint with Trackmind allows the organization to utilize the same level of expertise and insights as a well-seasoned, in-house team member without the accompanying expenses.

A Win-Win Proposition

Aside from the many previously discussed benefits, a Design Sprint with Trackmind provides additional advantages to both our partner and Trackmind as well. While enterprises get in-depth exposure to our highly vetted, effective processes that they can use on further projects, Trackmind itself uses our Design Sprints as critical opportunities to enhance our already extensive skill set and knowledge base even further, perpetually embracing the notion that learning in such a dynamic industry is a process without an endpoint.

Furthermore, such engagements allow us to intensify relationships with our partners, getting to better understand their overarching vision and ethos. That better understanding is an essential component to other facets of digital transformation, enabling us to construct and implement solutions that fit within an enterprise’s ideals, culture, goals, and expectations.

At Trackmind, digital transformation isn’t merely about the tools it deploys or efficiencies it creates but, just as importantly, should always focus on the bigger picture. Just as our Design Sprints use innovative thought and action as the building blocks for a successful product launch or redesign, technology itself can be a critical foundation to build a better employee and customer experience upon.

For new products or existing ones, established enterprises or startups, a Design Sprint with Trackmind is the rare opportunity for an organization to leverage genuine expertise in an extremely efficient, productive, and cost-effective manner. In an unforgiving marketplace with little room for error and growing end-user expectations, Trackmind’s 5 Day Design Sprints are is an invaluable and collaborative process that can yield both literal and figurative dividends for years to come.