technology trends

Beyond the Pill: 3 Trending Supplement Formats
New formats like stick packs, patches and melts have received increased market share as consumers facing pill fatigue look for alternatives.
Top Tech Stacks of 2023
Discover the top tech stacks of 2023 with our comprehensive guide. Learn about cloud-native architecture, full-stack JavaScript, cross-platform mobile development, Python-based data science, and Infrastructure as Code.
The Next Era of Remote Work: Beyond Virtual Meetings
The question is no longer “how would working remotely work?” It’s “how do we work better while remote?”
Industry Expert Series: Sam Jactel
Conversation with Sam Jactel, founder & CEO of Ayble Health, about gut health and how the healthcare industry is using technology for personalized healthcare solutions.
5 Steps of Design Thinking Part 1: A Crash Course in Empathy
Picture an elegant, streamlined, massively powerful technological solution that nobody wants. There's no need to imagine it. They are everywhere, all around.
cloud, edge, cloud computing, edge computing, internet of things, iot, networking, networks
Edge Computing and the Future of the Cloud
Edge computing delivers huge benefits over Cloud as the Internet of Things and sensor-based technologies continue to grow.
How to develop a new product around an unknown concept
Developing a product around an unknown concept is a long-term process that needs to be approached in a very specific way.
Make it or Break it: Why Your Startup’s Online Experience Matters
While startups can fail for many reasons, in many cases, they fail because they haven't invested in optimizing their online user experience.
How To Find The Right VC For Your Startup
First things first: when should you start looking for a VC partner? Good VC partners will have a very good understanding of your industry and have a big network and can help you find the right team.
Digital Tranformation
Benefits of Choosing Strategic Partners for Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is a comprehensive term that encompasses everything from marketing to accounting processes and nearly everything in between.