
Embracing the Importance of UX/UI Design
Brands must ensure that the design of their technology enhances the values embodied in both its "UX" and "UI" characteristics.
Creating a Startup Website that Makes Money
Investing time and effort into the structure of your website can make the difference between growing beyond the startup phase or fading into obscurity.
customer experience, design, marketing, strategy
Top 10 Design Tips for Designing a Successful eCommerce Site
Shoppers are online now. At least 40 percent of shoppers are, according to a study by UPS. They estimated that four out of 10 purchases are being initiated and completed in eCommerce channels only. When shopping online, 31 percent of...
Your Logo is not Your Brand
Your Logo is not Your Brand
On a perfect market-based day, Joe Consumer would wander through the mall, stopping into the swoosh store for a new pair of shoes, grabbing lunch under the golden arches, and looking for a ‘bull’s eye’ deal at a national chain...
UX Ecommerce
Top 5 Best Practices in UX Design
Before jumping into UX design of your site, it’s important to familiarize yourself with UX research. The insights you gather from research will inform the design of your site and give you the user feedback you need for various stages...
communication, content broadcasting, marketing, organic marketing, paid marketing, sales, social media, transparency, visibility, content marketing, inbound marketing, social login, millennial distrust, social media revolution, social media marketing
Top 5 Ways Social Media Has Transformed Business
Social media is ubiquitous for almost any modern business. But how has social media changed how businesses operate? How have businesses changed their approach to marketing, sales..
digital transformation, internet of things, iot, innovation, strategy, technology
The 6 Best Technologies for Global Manufacturing
The digital revolution is in full swing. New technologies, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and augmented reality, are boosting the capabilities of the manufacturers that embrace them. These new opportunities come at a time when manufacturers are facing significant...
Guide to Analyzing and Optimizing your Blog
Most people enjoy the creative process of creating a blog, especially when it’s designed to help you generate more awareness for your products or services. However, while creative elements can impact user engagement levels, if you’re not learning from how...
design sprint team, design sprint, innovation, design thinking
How to Assemble a Design Sprint Team
You’ve just decided to run a design sprint. At this point, your focus should be on building the perfect Design Sprint team. Assembling this team is easier said than done. After all, you need to establish a team that balances...