Technology Trends

Supplement & GEN AI
Leveraging GEN AI for Enhanced Customer Experience in the Supplement Industry
Delve into the transformative role of Generative AI in the supplement industry and discover how it's reshaping customer experiences. Learn how businesses can harness this cutting-edge technology for personalized product recommendations, improved customer interactions, and staying ahead in the rapidly evolving health and wellness market
Platform Engineering
Platform Engineering: Building the Digital Foundations
Uncover the evolving landscape of Platform Engineering and explore how businesses can leverage this crucial discipline to bolster their digital infrastructure, improve user experiences, and maintain a competitive edge in today's tech-driven world.
Embracing ChatUX: How Companies Can Prepare for the Future of User Experience
Discover the growing importance of ChatUX in the digital age and learn how enterprises can adapt to this innovative user experience design trend to stay competitive, enhance messaging platforms, and create seamless interactions for their users.
business model, digital transformation, strategy, technology
Why a great business model is essential for digital transformation
A great business model enables companies to pivot and adapt to changing market conditions and technological advancements.
Beyond the Pill: 3 Trending Supplement Formats
New formats like stick packs, patches and melts have received increased market share as consumers facing pill fatigue look for alternatives.
Designing Effective Prompts: A Guide to Prompt Engineering
Explore the essentials of prompt engineering in this comprehensive guide, where we share key principles, best practices, and tips to optimize AI language models and elevate the quality of generated responses.
Top Tech Stacks of 2023
Discover the top tech stacks of 2023 with our comprehensive guide. Learn about cloud-native architecture, full-stack JavaScript, cross-platform mobile development, Python-based data science, and Infrastructure as Code.
The Next Era of Remote Work: Beyond Virtual Meetings
The question is no longer “how would working remotely work?” It’s “how do we work better while remote?”
Industry Expert Series: Sam Jactel
Conversation with Sam Jactel, founder & CEO of Ayble Health, about gut health and how the healthcare industry is using technology for personalized healthcare solutions.
5 Steps of Design Thinking Part 1: A Crash Course in Empathy
Picture an elegant, streamlined, massively powerful technological solution that nobody wants. There's no need to imagine it. They are everywhere, all around.