Technology Trends

Designing Apps for Behavior Change
Creating meaningful behavior change requires creating a user experience that provides sufficient motivation, ability, and triggers.
cloud, edge, cloud computing, edge computing, internet of things, iot, networking, networks
Edge Computing and the Future of the Cloud
Edge computing delivers huge benefits over Cloud as the Internet of Things and sensor-based technologies continue to grow.
app development, apps, applications, sticky app, product development, user experience, customer journey, mobile app
How to Make Your App “Sticky”
Creating a sticky app requires strong customer knowledge and design thinking principles, including research and continuous measurement to improve your app.
Why Empathy in Business is More Than Being Nice.
Major brands are discovering that empathy is more than just being nice. It's about building meaningful relationships with consumers.
How to develop a new product around an unknown concept
Developing a product around an unknown concept is a long-term process that needs to be approached in a very specific way.
Make it or Break it: Why Your Startup’s Online Experience Matters
While startups can fail for many reasons, in many cases, they fail because they haven't invested in optimizing their online user experience.
How To Find The Right VC For Your Startup
First things first: when should you start looking for a VC partner? Good VC partners will have a very good understanding of your industry and have a big network and can help you find the right team.
technology, iot, digital transformation, innovation
The 5G Economy and Its Impact for Your Business
Technology has always had a significant impact on society, from the global economy to the success and operations of businesses, as well as the at-home lives of individuals. Yet, compared to today, there’s never been a time when devices and...
digital transformation, internet of things, iot, innovation, strategy, technology
The 6 Best Technologies for Global Manufacturing
The digital revolution is in full swing. New technologies, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and augmented reality, are boosting the capabilities of the manufacturers that embrace them. These new opportunities come at a time when manufacturers are facing significant...
AI, healthcare, artificial intelligence, user experience
Addison Care: The At Home Digital Caregiver
The best technologies are boundless and open to everyone. They don’t intimidate with complicated interfaces and an exclusive shorthand. Young or old, savvy or novice, truly transformative innovations empower, allowing people to lead more fulfilling and satisfying lives. Trackmind can’t...