Design Thinking

Your Logo is not Your Brand
Your Logo is not Your Brand
There’s a significant difference between a logo and a brand. When contemplating a logo design, start by developing your bigger brand concept.
Startup Website Design Trends for 2021
Whether your B2B or B2C, your customer base is inundated with information coming from all angles at every moment of the day and night.
great design, design, design process, startups, startup design, innovation, marketing, design thinking, mvp, startup, branding, brand identity, brand identity design, startup ui design, startup ux design
Why Great Design Is Critical for Startups
You only have about 50 milliseconds to win over new customers on your website. Only great design can engage prospects in that time.
app development, apps, applications, sticky app, product development, user experience, customer journey, mobile app
How to Make Your App “Sticky”
Creating a sticky app requires strong customer knowledge and design thinking principles, including research and continuous measurement to improve your app.
Why Empathy in Business is More Than Being Nice.
Major brands are discovering that empathy is more than just being nice. It's about building meaningful relationships with consumers.
How to develop a new product around an unknown concept
Developing a product around an unknown concept is a long-term process that needs to be approached in a very specific way.
Make it or Break it: Why Your Startup’s Online Experience Matters
While startups can fail for many reasons, in many cases, they fail because they haven't invested in optimizing their online user experience.
UX Ecommerce
Improving Your Site’s UX: Navigation, Homepage, and Mobile Version
User experience is more about the functionality of your site than its appearance. Site appearance deals with user interface, or UI. Visual appeal plays a role in the overall UX (in fact, 38% of users will leave if they don’t...
UX Ecommerce
User Experience (UX) Design and Testing for Ecommerce Site Optimization
Why positive UX is crucial You may have the perfect product, and your product may be unique enough so that your competition is minimal, but optimizing your ecommerce site so that it connects with your..
UX Ecommerce
Improving Your Site’s UX: Products & Services, Customer Reviews, Transactions
A positive user experience with the first-impression elements of your site (navigation, homepage, mobile-friendly version) will lead users to further explore your products or services and, hopefully, become customers. Optimized UX..